Teachers in Training

North Central University's finest Elementary Education class shares their greatest ideas, vents their troubles and stays connected

Monday, February 20, 2006

half way

i didn't realize how much my life revolved around school and planning until i had this weekend to relax. i only have school on wednesday, and i'm not teaching so it was a great relief to sit around and be a bum. i only left the house for church on sunday! lol

since we have time off at the end of this week - i think we should get together for lunch or something. all of us - even those not student teaching. when do the saipan folks and deanna get back? let me know if you're interested.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Like the title? It makes me think of a cheer from Jr. High. Anyway, that's me trying to be peppy to cheer you all on. Deanna and Erin, for the posting and comment both of you left, and for everyone else:

You Can Do It!

If I can do anything for anyone... and I seriously mean it... please let me know. Let me know how I can encourage you!